As further confirmation of the concerns raised in "Bearish Dragon," the political advocacy of German Greens is partially funded via German taxpayers through the Heinrich Böll Foundation (hbs.) Here's an anti-nuclear power example post: "Renewables replace nuclear and lower emissions simultaneously," Craig Morris, 20 Nov 2019, Energy Transition - The Global Energiewende blog. https://energytransition.org/2019/11/renewables-replace-nuclear-and-lower-emissions-simultaneously/

An Initiative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. © 2012 - 2024. The Heinrich Böll Foundation receives German taxpayer funded subsidies. The hbs has elegant offices in Berlin. The hbs also has offices in the West Bank of Palestine, Moscow, Russia, Beijing, China, and Washington, DC. Many of the policies of the hbs are socialist policies.

CGNP Comment 30 April 2024: The claims made by this website are absurd and counterfactual. Germany's Energiewende has been an ecological and economic disaster. As of 15 April 2023, Germany's emission-free nuclear power fleet was shut down. Germany, just like any modern society needs abundant, dispatchable electric power. Neither solar nor wind can provide dispatchable power and batteries are not a cost effective means to store the huge amount of electric power required. Since Russia has exercised its control over its natural gas pipelines as a tactic to attempt to prevail militarily in Ukraine, Germany has been forced to dramatically increase its reliance on heavily-polluting coal. See: HTTPS://UNHERD.COM/NEWSROOM/GERMANYS-GREENS-EMBRACE-COAL/ Coal-fired generation produces toxic air pollution and toxic water pollution from coal ash. Using the Electricity Maps application at https://app.electricitymaps.com/map, it shows that as of 5:00 AM GMT on 30 April 2024, France's electricity had 20 grams of carbon intensity per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated. Germany's electricity had about 362 grams of carbon intensity at the same time. Germany's example shows what not to do. A foundation of German government deception is being exposed. See for example "Top German Greens officials accused of deception in nuclear phase-out advice" 27 April 2024 https://tinyurl.com/Greens-fraud

As of 11 July 2024, CGNP's post did not appear after it was posted.

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Great one Gene, as you point out Putin has eaten Germany's Lunch so to speak.


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Wow, Gene - thanks for that! The German Green-Russia alliance is a very deep rabbit hole that I hope to explore more in coming articles.

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Really superb article KT. Painful to read in many ways because our current administration has basically handed the keys over in a number of lame missteps.

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That's another article for another day. But you are correct.

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