Thank you K.T. for getting around to the topic of tire-related pollution - and how EVs exacerbate the air and water pollution problems.

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Good One KT!

The polymer chemistry of tires and additives is fascinating and big business. Balancing traction and wear is a lab art.

The sticky performance tires are not a big issue particulate wise, it's the high mileage compounds and EVs that throw off the fines.

As an industrial chemist I was exposed to a lot of methyl ethyl bad shit. But particulates are the worst as they can lodge in lung tissue and stay there doing bad deeds.

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Thanks for that insight, TC! Particulates are bad news.

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There is a quote "there are no such things as solutions, only traded offs". It seems we have forgotten this. All that is being done is a shuffling of the periodic table-my saying-and creating more issues down the line that we already have solve for. A recent study of air quality in the United States during Covid shows that air quality did not improve meaning that even as our economy experienced retardation, our air was still tge same. This shows that we have already dealt with and mastered know issues we experience-carbon monoxide, sulfur, mercury, etc. Another factor here is that they heavier vehicles are the more wear and tear of the asphalt & cement use for roads creating demand for the fossil fuels products, so as some gasoline gets displaced it will be replaced by asphalt & cement which are carbon intensive-front loading. Hence EVs will continue to add to GHE while adding to new health issues.

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Indy 500: Ladies and Gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES!

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Holy crap! I had no idea that tire and brake emissions were a deal at all, much less a big deal. Thanks for the education! Eva suck for the environment in a number of different ways. 🥺

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