Great piece!

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Thanks, Tom!

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Good reporting here. I didn’t know about the building code angle.

Keep up the good work.

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Thanks, Robert! I appreciate your input!

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The hidden lead you touched on is - you are being ruled by unelected bureaucracies that include NGO's, Non-profits and industry advocacy associations.

This is soft tyranny. It's the tyranny you have been taught to accept and willingly do so, because it's not being drug off to a gulag. However, this is worse. They now get you to take the poison without argument or worse yet, demand it - which is akin to happily walking through the gulag gates.

When you allow a system, regime, bureaucracy, or tranny to grow beyond your ability to control or kill it, you've effectively signed your own death warrant.

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Expansion of regulatory regimes through "lawfare" and through granting legislative authority to administrative agencies is an emerging theme in many of the issues I report on. It's a huge problem, and sunlight is the best disinfectant (even if solar panels are mostly rubbish :)

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Excellent analysis, K.T. Unless the end use of electricity is about three times as efficient as using natural gas by the end-user, the result of "electrify everything" is a paradoxical increase in natural gas use. The reason is that a typical fossil-fired power plant is about 30% efficient. No wonder that some fossil fuel interests are backing the push to electrify. Consider also the well-documented increase in cost to operate an all-electric building in comparison to the same building using both natural gas and electricity as energy inputs.

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Apr 23Liked by K.T. Lynn

Like the current misuses of taxation, the use of ratepayers money to lobby against a business' competition should be bringing out the pitch fork and torch demonstrations. But as human nature shows, we will probably have to let the pendulum swing us into some form of a dark age again before enough serfs wake up.

The building codes have been used for several decades to manipulate the market in CA. Very little of their professed benefits actually add to the safety or value of a home, but they definitely add the cost (many estimates approach 50% of the cost of a new home is due to code compliance "green" issues).

Great information.

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Yep, this is a big reason why the housing market in CA is so tight -- no one can build new homes that are affordable to young families. It's ridiculous!

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GHE & CAGW are founded on two erroneous assumptions:

1. Near Earth space is cold & w/o GHE would become an average 255 K, 33 C cooler, -18 C ball of ice.

288 K w – 255 K wo = 33 C (15 C & -18 C)


Near Earth space is hot, 400 K, and wo GHE Earth would become an average 278 K barren ball of rock, like the Moon 400 K lit side, 100 K dark.

2. That by radiating as a black body Earth’s surface produces “extra” energy for a fanciful energy trapping concept known as radiative forcing. (ala caloric)

396 BB uwir - 333 “back” dwir = 2nd 63 net uwir


1,368 ISR/4 = 342 w 30% albedo = 240 – 80 atmos = 160 net/net to surface.

Per LoT 160 is all that can leave.

160 uw – (17 sensible uw + 80 latent uw ) = 1st 63 net uw.

No GHE or looping “extra” energy radiative forcing.

GHE & CAGW climate “science” are indefensible rubbish so alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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If Berkeley wanted to do something smart it would do a cooperative effort with Solar Box Cookers International based in California to design a hybrid, through the building envelope, solar -natural gas oven. That would be smart and reduce pollution. And zone areas properly for businesses ripe to use such applications too!

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